Friday, January 29, 2010

Dan's Marathon Race Report

(Dan Boucher wrote this race report for us after finishing his first marathon. That's quite the acomplisment and all of the Pikes Peak Triathlon Club is proud of him for hanging tough when things got ugly!)

Dan’s first marathon, January 17, 2010; PF Changs Phoenix AZ.

It started in Sept 2009, when I decided to do my first IM in 2010. Thus I thought I should train hard for an entire year, and train for a marathon during the winter months to get into shape. Found a nice flat course in AZ, signed up, and decided to get some professional assistance. Found and excellent coach, Cami Stock. After three months of some excellent instructions of weight training, swimming, and of course running; I felt ready and anxious to "ROCK AZ". The motto of the marathon. Tired of the long runs in bitter cold temps, I was ready for warmer weather. If you never heard of the Rock N Roll series, its a bunch of running races with bands along the course. Usually every mile a band with aid stations. Kinda cool.

I traveled down Phoenix with my girlfriend, Dawn. Only a 3.5 hr delay from DIA, but it sure beats driving 12+ hours! Nice early morning prerace run, and then Saturdays expo was HUGE! 30K halfers, almost 8K marathoners, and 150 Ultra! We grabbed some samples and then some pasta at Oregano's! Very yummy. A good nights sleep in a hole of a hotel,, it was cheap! Up early, as usual, all race prep's worked and I felt wicked excited and READY. Wore my throw away sweats, but didn’t need them; It was 48 degrees at 630am. A goodbye kiss to Dawn and I off I went. Actually saw McCain at the starting line.

My goal was sub 4hr. I was determined and on pace the first 14 miles. Legs where strong and a ton of oxygen filled my lungs. Meet some ladies from phoenix, Nebraska, a group of ultra's from KC. Dawn meet me at mile 12 for some gatorade bottle swaps. I couldn’t believe how many people relied on the water stations for EVERYTHING! I was happy I carried two bottles. They served CytoMax on course, which I saw many people puke up later! Tons of support from a ton of people watching us.

My story then turns tragic. Mile 18, yes the wall. Lower back cramps, right forearm numb, hip flexor shooting pains down my leg, ARGH I was hurting. Later on, I found out I went out to fast. Disappointed and dejected I walked run walk run for the last 10K. The longest 10K of my life!!! Watching the pacers go by was the hard part. I guess I was lucky, I did witness allot of major cramping, sickness, and hurt issues. Slowest 8 miles EVER!!! I crossed the line at 4:38. NO i didn’t beat Oprah's time!!!!

For my first marathon, my PR isn’t too high! I had the perfect settings, weather, training lack of experience got me YET again. Another lesson learned for my highly anticipated Ironman. IMFL Nov 7th 2010, Panama City FL.

Thanks to my super awesome coach Cami, Buzz, and Saturday morning group at Woodman/I25. AND thanks to my wicked great girlfriend, DAWN, for all her support too. I also appreciate the encouraging words prior and post race from all in the PPTC! I will definitely do it again, and faster next time!!

Time to setup the swim and bike training!

~Dan Boucher, marathoner!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

National Club Challenge Update

Well, folks, we're over half way through the National Club Challenge so I wanted to give you an update on our standings. We are in Division II, which consists of clubs with 130-249 members. Our competitors are:
  • HEAT (149)
  • Pikes Peak TC (156)
  • Midwest Xtreme (173)
  • FAST (217)
  • St. Louis TC (219)
  • Bay State TC (137)
We are now about 75% through the Bike Session. As of today, we are slightly behind some of our competition:
12. F.A.S.T. (Ford Athletic Swim & Triathlon Club) Northville MI: 5362.68 (total bike miles in Jan)
13. Midwest Xtreme Cedar Rapids IA: 5256.5
14. Pikes Peak Triathlon Club Colorado Springs CO 5134.66

So if you're on the Team or know a PPTC-er who is, play this song for them!!!

To recap December (Swim Session), we ended up ranked 14th out of all clubs with 394.19 miles. Our division competitor, FAST (which is also a swim club) came in 2nd overall with 818.71 miles in the pool in December! Full swim session results:

Our top swimmers in December were....
  1. Adrian de Klerk : 37.51mi
  2. Neal Oseland: 34.9mi
  3. Branden Rakita: 34.11mi
  4. Tommy Schwab: 33.47mi
  1. Tracy Thelen: 26.02mi
  2. Terri Walters: 25.26mi
  3. Carol Lyndell: 21.86mi
That's a lot of swimmin'! Fantastic job!
One last reminder before I sign off....let's get in some bike miles before the end of January!

Friday, January 22, 2010

Another great WLW

We had a slightly larger crowd for the second WLW. Tracy H, Kim, Molly, Jack, Scott and I all braved the slightly chilly weather for a set of three mile repeats along the Santa Fe Trail. Both Kim and Scott noted that this second week of speed work was a little easier then last week, despite the headwind in the first half mile.

Next week - same time, same place. Hope to see more PPTC members show up for a social run and a challenging workout.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Annual Banquet @ Giuseppe's Depot

On Thursday, Jan 14th, the PPTC held it's annual banquet at Giuseppe's Depot Restaurant. A fantastic evening of food and camaraderie was highlighted with several awards going to amazing people.

We started with some social time. Those who arrived before 6:30 got to take advantage of happy hour prices at the bar, which is never a bad thing.
Once everyone arrived (almost 50 of our club members!) we attacked the wonderful buffet of caesar salad, fresh fruit, roast beef, mashed potatoes, lasagna, marinated veggies, rice pilaf, and an assortment of pizzas. If anyone had a big training day coming up, they certainly got enough carbs!
After dinner, Jeff Lang (2009 Pres) reviewed the activities of the year, acknowledged the 2009 board and our wonderful sponsors. We have some accomplished triathletes in our club - Branden Rakita came in 21st in the Xterra World Championships, and Tracy Thelen, another pro who was the overall female pro at the Silverman Triathlon. The club had 3 Ironman World Championship finishers (can you say Kona!?!) - Joe Turcotte, Neal Oseland and Rob Ladewig. Wow.
The annual awards were then given out.

The winners were:
Male Triathlete of the Year: Joe Turcotte
Female Triathlete of the Year: Terri Lang
Male Rookie of the Year: Craine Runton
Female Rookie of the Year: Sarah Ackor

Congratulations to all the great folks! After the awards, Jeff handed the torch over to the new president, Nicole Drummer. Nicole announced the new board and then mentioned some of the exciting things we will be planning for 2010.

Then it was time for the raffle! We had lots of Gu (endurance athletes need something to sustain them!) and some other great gifts like beanies, bags, hats from Colorado Running Company, and $25 gift certificates from two of our sponsors, Colorado Running Co., and Bicycle Village.
It was a great evening. If you didn't attend this year, we hope to see you there next year!

Friday, January 15, 2010

Club Photo Albums

The Pikes Peak Triathlon Club now has an online photo album to share photos of club events, races and all the fun activites we do. Right now, we have a few photos from races last year, but we'll be getting more uploaded soon.

Here is a link to the home page click on the albums to look at the different photos. There is also a link on the sidebar of the blog - PPTC photo albums.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Great workout today

The first official Wednesday Lunch Workout kicked off today with a set of three 1 mile repeats along the Santa Fe Trail. Four club members showed up and enjoyed the fabulous January weather. The workout was fun (?) and everyone agreed that it's easier to run harder in a group then alone. All club members are welcome - we'll be running at 11:30 every Wednesday, regardless of weather.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Wednesdays Lunch Workouts

The Wednesdays Lunch Workouts will offically kick off on January 13th at 11:30. We'll meet at the Mesa Ave Bridge on the Santa Fe Trail and head north to Monument Valley park. After an easy warm up, we'll pick a workout and have some fun!  Hope to have a good group show up. The weather looks promising, with highs in the mid 50s tommorow.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Group workouts

Now that the new year is here, it's time to starting thinking about the upcoming season. In the middle of winter, with snow, ice and freezing tempuratures, it can be hard to get out the door and train. The best advice is to find a group to train with - that makes it harder to beg out and sleep in. Luckly, several of our great sponsors have group training opportunites that we can take advantage of.

There is a masters swim program at CC, Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday mornings. Monday is IM focus, so time to work at that butterfly, Wednesday is distance sets, Friday is sprint sets and Saturday is mixed "coach's choice." They meet 530-700am m/w/f and 6-830am s. The cost is nominal and the group is a lot of fun.

Bicycle Village offers trainer classes Tuesdays and Thursdays at 600am. Bring your bike, set it up on one of the trainers and enjoy a results oriented spin class instead of the standard suffer fest at the gym.

Colorado Running Company has social runs Wednesday evenings at 6:00, Friday mornings at 7:00 and Saturday mornings at 7:30. All paces are welcome to join and they run regardless of the weather. Pikes Peak Triathlon Club will also be starting our own Wednesday Lunchtime Workout at 11:30, for a weekly speed workout of mile repeats, two mile repeats or 5k race simulation.

Check out our sponsor's links to learn more about their classess events. Hope to see you there!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

NCC Swim Session Results!

December is over, which also means that the Swim Session of the National Club Challenge is over. Here is how the Pikes Peak Tri Club fared.

With 32 members on our team, we logged just over 394 miles swimming. This put us in 14th place for the swim out of 66 teams that logged miles. In our division, our competition is FAST (Ford Athletic Swim and Triathlon Club) from MI, Midwest Xtreme from IA, and HEAT (Hartford Extended Area Triathletes) from CT. FAST placed 2nd overall with 818 miles! But we were well ahead of HEAT (214 miles) and Midwest Xtreme (85 miles).

January is the bike session. A lot of those miles are going to be trainer miles so maybe it's a good time to update your Netflix queue? Let's rock them! As I write this, the PPTC is in 12th place overall for total miles, so Team members, hope on those bikes and get us in the top 10! Don't forget that swim and run miles still count, too!
Happy Training!

Welcoming 2010 at the Rescue Run

Several members of the Pikes Peak Tri Club welcomed the New Year in style at the 32nd annual Rescue Run, benefiting the El Paso County Search and Rescue. This is a great, well trained group of people that we all hope that we'll never need on any of our adventures and the Rescue Run is the primary fundraiser for the SAR. The weather was great - brisk but sunny and a few brave souls donned shorts for the race. Despite all the snow we've had recently, the only tricky section was the Yucca Flats double track on the 10k course. Other then a few patches of ice, the rest of the roads were clear. It was a great day and a fabulous way to start the new year.
Running the 5k:
Diane Murray - 30:09
Sam Putnel-Rowan - 40:18
Bruce Wacker - 41:23
Dana Duthie - 42:06

Running the 10k:
Tracy Thelen - 43:40
Don Byers - 46:08
Kent Murray - 46:39
Rob Ladewig - 52:01
Carol Lyndel - 57:35
Stephen Tolle - 58:53
Jim the Grouch
(my appologies if I missed anyone)